Home OP-ED 5 Marines of Wrong Color, Say Obama, L.A. Times, N.Y. Times

5 Marines of Wrong Color, Say Obama, L.A. Times, N.Y. Times

In a gay mood, President Obama attends a Broadway play over the weekend with daughter Sasha and two of her pals. Photo: Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images

How did Barack Obama celebrate the latest Muslim terrorist’s  assassination of five non-black American heroes?

By cheerfuly flying off to New York, gaily skipping through Central Park with his bubbling daughters, and then heroically hailing his own towering presence at the smash Broadway show “Hamilton.”

Unfettered by ethics or aesthetics, Mr. Obama is a gentleman who knows how to applaud himself after non-blacks have been executed.

How did the leftist Los Angeles Times celebrate a Muslim goon’s slaughter of five non-black American military men?

Like liberal newspapers nationwide, they have pretended the gory murder of genuine American models of patriotism was no more serious than a sneeze. Where, they asked, was the racial angle?

By dimly shrugging, the Times declared that Chattanooga was a pedestrian crime. Nobody of color was touched. No transgender people were even in the neighborhood or the state. Who cares? No gays were fired at.  No one of color was hurt except the evil Muslim executioner, typically.

On the day after the almost daily Muslim massacre, the Times spat on the white victims.  The Times played the story below the fold — as if it were a boring School Board debate.  The Times found nothing interesting or even name-worthy about the five luckless unarmed white men whom the Muslim mutt attacked. They have ignored the victims and their heroic stories. Incredibly, the Times’s second-day story also spat on the five wrong-color victims. The Times’s story was exclusively about the ardent sweetness of the Muslim people, the joyful end of a Muslim holiday, the courage of these intrepid, devout Muslims courageously refusing to let grief over the murders of fellow Americans by a fellow Muslim animal interfere with their happiness.

The New York Times has treated Chattanooga as if it were one nameless Bowery bum shooting another.

How, dear reader, are you being manipulated?

You are being played as if you were dough being kneaded by one of the those imprisoned felony drug criminals whom Mr. Obama saluted and virtually apologized to last week on an Oklahoma prison visit. The cited prisoners were all black.

For two reasons, neither the cowardly Times in New York nor the cowardly Times in Los Angeles worked up sufficient interest to editorialize against loon-driven Islam and the newest Islamic killer.

Both newspapers have blown off the Chattanooga events for two reasons:

1.     The five Marine victims were of the wrong color.

2.     Both Timeses and the petulant president suspect the next Muslim killer to emerge from a mosque or kennel will target them.

As gutter-worthy racist liberals, Mr. Obama and the two chicken-hearted newspapers – watch them quiver and perspire – should choke on their rampant dishonesty.

All three of these gutless Democrat wonders are as scared of Islamic animals as little boys are of the dark. They wet their beds in fright.

Name three worse examples of American manhood.


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