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Who Is Going to Win?


Armstrong Williams (R)

Host of Sirius/XM Radio’s Urban View channel

Who will be our next president? Donald Trump

How many electoral votes will he or she get? 270

Who will win North Carolina? Trump

Who will win Ohio? Trump

Who will win Florida? Trump

Who will win Colorado? Trump

Will Democrats retake the Senate? No

Will House Democrats pick up seats? If so, how many? Yes, 19

This will truly be a historic and chaotic election.

Donald Trump must run the electoral table. Look for disgruntled and disenchanted voters — who couldn’t publicly support him — to privately vote for him.

House Republicans will feel some pain in swing districts. They will lose 19 seats, but retain their majority and re-elect Paul Ryan Speaker.

Sens. Roy Blunt (Mo.), Richard Burr (N.C.), Pat Toomey (Pa.) and Kelly Ayotte (N.H.) win barely. Joe Heck wins Nevada and Senate Republicans will hold a one-seat majority.


Bob Beckel (D)

Political analyst for CNN

Who will be our next president? Hillary Clinton

How many electoral votes will he or she get? 322

Who will win North Carolina? Clinton

Who will win Ohio? Trump

Who will win Florida? Clinton

Who will win Colorado? Clinton

Will Democrats retake the Senate? 50-50, with Tim Kaine casting deciding vote

Will House Democrats pick up seats? If so, how many? Democrats pick up six to nine seats.

Always dangerous but here goes: Hillary Clinton will be our next president, despite losses in Ohio and New Hampshire. She will win North Carolina, Florida and Colorado.

Democrats will not win outright control of the Senate but will end up in a 50-50 tie with Vice President Kaine casting the deciding vote, putting the Democrats in control of the committees.

Although Democrats will win six to nine House seats, they will still not have enough members to control the House, ironically giving the alt-right Freedom Caucus more power.


Maria Cardona (D)

Political commentator for CNN/CNN en Español

Who will be our next president? Hillary Clinton

How many electoral votes will he or she get? Over 300

Who will win North Carolina? Clinton

Who will win Ohio? Trump

Who will win Florida? Clinton

Who will win Colorado? Clinton

Will Democrats retake the Senate? Yes

Will House Democrats pick up seats? If so, how many?  Yes, 20–24

The race came down to who had the temperament, knowledge, compassion and decency to be commander-in-chief. That choice was always Hillary Clinton.

There will be historic turnout of the Hillary Coalition, which includes overwhelming turnout from Hispanics, similar numbers of African-Americans, and historic turnout of Asian-Americans, millennials and college-educated whites, especially women.

She will lose Ohio and win North Carolina, Florida, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada and Iowa. Democrats will retake the Senate with a two or more seat margin. Democrats will come a few seats shy of retaking the House, gaining about 20 to 24 seats.


Matt Schlapp (R)

Chairman of the American Conservative Union 

Who will be our next president? Donald Trump

How many electoral votes will he or she get? Trump 270, Clinton 268

Who will win North Carolina? Trump

Who will win Ohio? Trump

Who will win Florida? Trump

Who will win Colorado? Clinton

Will Democrats retake the Senate? No, GOP 51, Dems 47 (+2)

Will House Democrats pick up seats? If so, how many? Yes, 10+

The  election has changed presidential elections forever. From now on, personal scandals and imperfect or unvirtuous behavior will not disqualify.

We also saw the death of objective news in America, as most Donald Trump supporters saw daily examples of a hopelessly stacked deck against our values.

Republicans went through a painful public realignment of leaders and priorities. Now, Democrats are one presidential cycle away from the same revolt, which Bernie Sanders gave voice to.


Michael Steele (R)

MSNBC political analyst and former chairman of the Republican National Committee

Who will be our next president? I hate to say it, Hillary Clinton

How many electoral votes will he or she get? 297

Who will win North Carolina? Trump

Who will win Ohio? Trump

Who will win Florida? Clinton

Who will win Colorado? Clinton

Will Democrats pick up seats? If so, how many? Yes, 10–12.

Despite her built-in electoral, money and political advantages — sound familiar? — Hillary Clinton and her team still find themselves second-guessing what-ifs.

That, more than anything else, has been the power and success of Donald Trump in this election season.


Simon Rosenberg (D)

President of the New Democrat Network

Who will be our next president? Hillary Clinton

How many electoral votes will he or she get? Clinton wins 334-203

Who will win North Carolina? Clinton

Who will win Ohio? Trump

Who will win Florida? Clinton

Who will win Colorado? Clinton

Will Democrats retake the Senate? Yes, 50-50.

Will House Democrats pick up seats? If so, how many? Yes, 15

With a  win, Democrats will have won more votes in six of the past seven presidential elections, among the strongest showings by a U.S. political party in history. The strength and success of the modern Democratic Party has been underappreciated.

Problems with an emerging electorate, especially Hispanics and millennials, represent a possible existential threat to the GOP. Watch Texas — it has a higher percentage of millennials and Hispanics than California.

With Clinton’s convincing win and gridlock fatigue, it will be hard for the GOP to repeat its Obama-era levels of obstruction.


Grover Norquist (R)

President of Americans for Tax Reform

Who will be our next president? Donald Trump

How many electoral votes will he or she get? 272

Who will win North Carolina? Trump

Who will win Ohio? Trump

Who will win Florida? Trump

Who will win Colorado? Clinton

Will Democrats retake the Senate? No, 51 Republicans

Will House Democrats pick up seats? If so, how many? Yes, Democrats pick up five

The GOP will retain control of governorships and state legislatures. This will make it more difficult for Democrats to restore the gerrymandering that swelled the number of House Democrats for decades.

This will allow Republicans to define the GOP by successes at the state level, via tax policy, pension reform, job creation, protecting the sharing economy (Uber/Airbnb), tort reform, charter schools and parental choice in education.

If Republicans pick up the governorships in New Hampshire or Missouri and/or the House in Kentucky, they will pass Right to Work, adding to the 26 RTW states today.


Brent Budowsky (D)

Columnist for The Hill

Who will be our next president? Hillary Clinton

How many electoral votes will she get? 290

Who will win North Carolina? Clinton

Who will win Ohio? Trump

Who will win Florida? Clinton

Who will win Colorado? Clinton

Will Democrats retake the Senate? Yes

Will House Democrats pick up seats? If so, how many? Yes, 16

This is the most unpredictable election in modern history. Polls could be missing something big in either direction. Five Senate races could have razor-thin margins and go either way. I hope House Democrats do better than gaining 16 seats but can’t predict it today, objectively.

Key factors will be the large Democratic vote from women and the historic Democratic vote from Hispanics, which will carry the party over the top. Without the James Comey fiasco, I would have predicted a Democratic landslide.


Joe Scarborough (R)

Host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” 

Who will be our next president? Hillary Clinton

How many electoral votes will he or she get? 278

Who will win North Carolina? Trump

Who will win Ohio? Trump

Who will win Florida? Trump

Who will win Colorado? Clinton

Will Democrats retake the Senate? Yes

Will House Democrats pick up seats? If so, how many? 14

Based on Florida early voting and a crazy New Hampshire poll, I move Florida to red and New Hampshire to undecided. The big question in Florida and North Carolina has to do with unaffiliated voters. Democrats think they will break big her way. If so, Clinton wins.

I always thought North Carolina would be Trump’s Waterloo. It’s looking more likely that distinction may fall on Nevada.


Richard Fowler (D)

Host of “The Richard Fowler Show”

Who will be our next president? Hillary Clinton

How many electoral votes will she get? 298

Who will win North Carolina? Trump

Who will win Ohio? Trump

Who will win Florida? Clinton

Who will win Colorado? Clinton

Will Democrats retake the Senate? Yes


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