Home News Tiggs Intrigued by Studying the Budget

Tiggs Intrigued by Studying the Budget

Mr. Tiggs, right, with Goran Eriksson, left, and Scott Wyant

Fifth in a series. 

Re: “Finances Are Central to the Tiggs Plan” 

“There is no silver bullet,” says City Council candidate Marcus Tiggs, for stabilizing City Hall’s finances.

“I don’t know if this is the right time to trim back personnel. I know staff has been added, though not in dramatic numbers.

“I have said before, it is a matter of looking at the efficiencies of the city, analyzing what we really want vs. what would be nice to have, thinking about the future.”

A bankruptcy attorney specializing in insolvency, Mr. Tiggs said that “we have a responsibility to the next generation. They should have at least the same benefits we enjoy — and more.

“I will use Measure Y (the easily approved 2012 half-cent sales tax increase) as an example. A lot of people say ‘I am going to grow business.’ That’s nice. But alone, that is not going to do it.”

Since finances come naturally, professionally to him, Mr. Tiggs became an ardent student of the city’s budget.

“I wanted to see where the numbers were going,” he said.

(To be continued)


  1. Exactly what California needs someone that actually knows numbers and understands budgets! We need a WHOLE lot more of these types.


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