Home Breaking News Rose Plants Environmental View in the Center

Rose Plants Environmental View in the Center

Steve Rose

Second of two parts. 

Re: “Switching Sides on the Environment”

Speaking of giant companies that, ostensibly, are setting examples by bending to accommodate environmental changes, Steve Rose dropped UPS’s name.

“Look at what UPS is doing in the way they charge for shipping packages,” said the CEO of the Chamber of Commerce. “Now the size of the package is critical because too many businesses were putting one small object into a big box.

“Too much space was being taken up in UPS’s trucks and planes.”

The Chamber of Commerce may not necessarily be regarded as a top tier environmental activist group, but Mr. Rose maintains the Chamber is “alert and trendsetting

“There are many different ways of reaching our goal of a cleaner planet,” he said.

As Culver City’s most prominent political conservative, the smallest political group in the community, Mr. Rose is loathe to criticize decisions by hyper-environmentalists.

Reflecting on activists’ widely hailed decision first to seek a ban on paper bags, to be replaced by single-use plastic bags, only to more recently reverse themselves, Mr. Rose planted himself firmly – in the middle.

“I am not going to label them wrong,” he said.

“I am going to label them as both times lacking a comprehensive solution.”


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