Home News Quick, Call the Doctor

Quick, Call the Doctor

Rep. Karen Bass. Photo: Leroy Hamilton

U.S. Rep. Karen Bass (D-Culver City/Crenshaw District) — who has a background in healthcare – has created a change.org petition (https://www.change.org/p/diagnosetrump).

Ms. Bass is calling on folks to urge the Republican party to force presidential nominee Donald Trump to undergo a mental health evaluation.

This would officially determine if he is mentally fit to be the leader of the free world, she said. Also, laying out the criteria for narcissistic personality disorder.

Just wanted to put this on your radar. Mental heath professionals have been concerned with the mental fitness of Mr. Trump for awhile.

They are now appearing on cable news and drafting op-eds to amplify the concern that the GOP nominee may actually suffer from narcissistic personality disorder.

Ms. Bass today sent a slew of tweets outlining the symptoms of the disorder complete with Trump quotes as examples.


Ms. Bass may be contacted at Karen Bass for Congress


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