Home Breaking News Pulido Going. He Almost Is Gone

Pulido Going. He Almost Is Gone

Mr. Pulido

Tomorrow is Coach Adan Pulido’s finale as popular leader of the C3 Sunshine Summer Camp at Lindberg Park – not by his choosing.

As an independent contractor with the city, the 36-year-old Mr. Pulido could be, and was, fired without cause by Parks and Recreation Director Dan Hernandez, who also is a well-liked personality.

Mr. Pulido believes he was wronged and also wrongly discharged by Mr. Hernandez following a clash with a Parks and Rec staff supervisor whom Mr. Pulido suspects did not want him to be rehired last April for the summer season.

Their final disagreement, when he said she was the aggressor in spewing profanities unseemly for a lady of her years, was over a nagging season-long irritant –storage of equipment – the equivalent of who is going to take out the garbage.

Mr. Pulido has stated on a number of occasions, publicly, that all he seeks is an apology from the supervisor for her perceived unprofessional behavior.

Since she does not like him, he says, she is not likely to agree to his terms, three words, “I am sorry.”

City Hall’s position has been that Mr. Pulido is likely to sue, and therefore no one will comment.

“Untrue,” says Mr. Pulido after being overpowered by the structure of City Hall. “I told them a number of times I am not going to sue.”

Convinced he cannot win back his favorite job in the present environment, “all I want is an apology from her,” he says.


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