Home Breaking News Public’s Opinion Sought on ‘Foam Ban

Public’s Opinion Sought on ‘Foam Ban

Soon these types will vanish. Photo: iStock

The first official community step toward shaping an environmentally sound Culver City ban on usage of polystyrene food containers will be taken in a month.

On Wednesday, Sept. 14, at the unusual and perhaps inconvenient hour of 9 a.m., in Council Chambers, the Sustainability Subcommittee of the City Council will convene a community meeting.

Councilpersons Meghan Sahli-Wells and Goran Eriksson will be soliciting public suggestions on the content and structure of an ordinance to ban polystyrene single-use take-out (and dine-in) food containers.

The Ballona Creek Renaissance group brought this subject to the City Council’s attention after members found an intolerable amount of Styrofoam debris floating in the ocean and other waterways.

In its invitation to residents, City Hall asked food service providers participate in a survey since they will be the persons most directly affected by the coming ban.

Food Service Provider Survey

Food Service Provider Name:

Contact Name: __________________________ Title: __________

Phone Number: ______________________

Email: ___________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________


The Resin Identification Code Number assigned to Polystyrene plastic  products is 6. Polystyrene comes in expanded form known as “foam” as well as “hard” plastic. Polystyrene is used to manufacture foam take-out food containers such as cups, bowls, plates and clamshell containers and hard plastic products such as straws, lids and cutlery. Polystyrene products may be identified by a No. 6 encapsulated by three chasing arrows that form a triangle, often depicted by one of the following three images:

1. Does your food service company currently use polystyrene plastic products?

Yes No (circle one)

2. If you answered no to Question No. 1, did your food service company previously use polystyrene products?

Yes No (circle one)

(a) If you answered yes to Question No. 2, what products do you primarily use now instead of polystyrene?
Aluminum? Other Plastics? Paper? Vegetable-based (circle one) or Other: _______

(b) If you answered yes to Question No. 2, do you pay more to purchase the alternative products when compared to the cost of polystyrene products?

Yes No (circle one)

If you answered yes to (b) above, how much more do you pay annually? $__________
Return your completed survey to the attention of Joe Susca, Senior Management Analyst, via at joe.susca@culvercity.org or fax to 310.253.5626 or mail to

City of Culver City
Public Works Dept.
9770 Culver Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232


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