Home News ‘Pack a Sidearm When Young White Men Around?’

‘Pack a Sidearm When Young White Men Around?’

Meghan Sahli-Wells

Fifth in a series. 

Re: “Islam Is Blameless, Sahli-Wells Contends” 

Since a controversial op-ed – (“Do Not Forget to Arm Yourself”) appeared here on Dec. 10, suggesting non-Muslims might consider arming themselves before entering a mosque, City Council member Meghan Sahli-Wells eloquently has defended the Muslim community.

When we last left her, she was saying:

“Your article conflated a religion with a certain group of people doing horrific acts. They are doing it in the name of religion, but they do not represent that religion?”

Now Ms. Sahli-Wells seeks to draw an exact parallel.

“This would be like taking all these young, white, angry males who perpetuate these mass shootings at movie theatres and what-not.

“I am saying these are all angry, young, white males. They are the problem. We should look at them because ‘they’ are doing these mass shootings.”

I was confused by Ms. Sahli-Wells’s charge.

“They are the problem,” she said.

Who are these “angry, young white males”?

Where do they live? Where can I find them?

What is their address?

To what club or group do they belong?

Besides being white and young, characteristics not very distinguishing, what unites them?

If you caught up with “them,” what would you do to them?

Are they all Presbyterians?

Or gay?

Do only whiteness and maleness unite or distinguish them?

Ms. Sahli-Wells listened the suddenly unfamous sites where white young males exploded – Santa Barbara, Aurora, Columbine. “There have been at least a dozen of these mass shootings,” she said.

“Are we going to look at these angry young white men and say all young angry white men are to be suspected?

“Will we say they should not be let into the country?

“Will we say we should pack a sidearm when they are around and be ready to shoot in case they make a false move?”

(To be continued)


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