Home News Lowering Gas Tax Was Right Move

Lowering Gas Tax Was Right Move

George Runner. Photo: SCV News

Dateline Sacramento – Board of Equalization Vice Chair George Runner issued the following statement today after joining a 3-2 board vote to lower the state excise tax on gasoline by 2.2 cents per gallon effective July 1:

“This vote was simply a matter of fairness.

“Californians overpaid gas tax last year because of a bizarre formula known as the ‘gas tax swap’ passed by lawmakers in 2010.

“Lowering the rate is the right thing to do. I am sure Californians will welcome this reduction.

“Unfortunately, even after the cut goes into effect, Californians still will pay some of the highest taxes in the nation.

“We need now lawmakers to simplify our tax laws and look for ways to provide value for the money that Californians send to government.”

Mr. Runner may be contacted at www.boe.ca.gov/Runner


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