Home News Kids Say ‘We Want McVarish (66)-Burke (55)’

Kids Say ‘We Want McVarish (66)-Burke (55)’

Ms. Burke, Mr. McVarish

Thirty-six hours after Wednesday evening’s entertainingly unique Ask 2 Know Kid Forum for the three School Board candidates, Ask founder Michelle Mayans this morning announced a final score after polling students:

The team, the double entry of Anne Burke and Scott McVarish.

All of the candidates, including Prof. Kelly Kent, were eager to enlist the support of the students – from K to 12 they voted – believing it would serve as proof that they can effectively communicate with the significant members of the School District.

The scores:

  1. Mr. McVarish, 66 votes
  2. Ms. Burke, 55 votes
  3. Dr. Kent, 36 votes

All three contenders were looser at the West Los Angeles College forum than they have been in other venues.

Ms. Burke, for example, casually dropped that she is a member of the Angel City Choir, a potential successor to retiring School Board member Laura Chardiet as the Board’s in-house entertainer-in-chief. To the delight of the youthful audience, Ms. Burke broke into song. Students broke into appreciative applause.

Does the formal teaming of Mr. McVarish and Ms. Burke providing the pair a psychological edge with voters – as in, two seats are open and here are two eminently qualifieds?

Ms. Mayans made a further announcement:

“A second straw poll is being held solely by Culver City High School students in Genevieve Gilbert Rolfe’s Government classes.

“The results will be published this afternoon.”


  1. Ask 2 Know does not make endorsements. We seek to empower Culver City’s youth through events like this week’s forum where kids and teens are given the rare opportunity to question civic leaders and candidates for office. We passed out unofficial ballots to each student at the forum and the results, in order of most votes received, was McVarish, Burke, Kent. We do this to allow kids to “vote” and make their collective voice heard. It is not an endorsement by Ask 2 Know or its partner KSM KidScoop Media, which are both neutral organizations committed to education and youth empowerment.
    Rose Parekh
    Director of Communications
    KSM KidScoop Media

  2. Nice answer Rose, but let it be known that you have endorsed Kelly Kent for School Board and have her sign on your front lawn.

  3. Ms Ehrlich. There is a big difference between an individual’s endorsement of a candidate and the endorsement of the organization for which they work. It’s really not that hard to understand. And you might want to think about the way you ‘snap’ at people. It’s not pleasant or necessary.


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