Home News Evaluating Culver City Flight Paths

Evaluating Culver City Flight Paths

Daytime arrivals – HUULL, IRNMN, CRSHR flow from West to East

Two major arrival flight paths cross Culver City, and the FAA’s Draft Environmental Assessment proposes changing their heights and positions.

During daytime operations, aircraft arriving from the north and the west to LAX follow the conventional flight path SADDE SIX.

There will be three new satellite-based Standard Terminal Arrival Routes called CRSHR, IRNMN, HUULL.

All three arrival routes converge as one path west of Santa Monica. They will follow the same path over Culver City.

Two new waypoints have been created and define the path over Culver City: Aircraft fly from CLIFY, near the Santa Monica Airport to DAHJR, near Redondo and Blackwelder, east of Culver City.

The daytime path over Culver City is predicted on average to be the same height as current operations. It is also slightly north. It enters Culver City at Overland and Venice, and it exits through the Hayden Tract.

It flies over the Police Station instead of Carlson Park. A possible benefit of the new RNAVs is that the aircraft are continuing their Optimized Profile Descent, which can potentially delay noise causing landing preparations, such as lowering flaps, until after DAHJR.

Click here for an interactive map.

Previously they exited the RNAV over Santa Monica Airport and started slowing down over Culver City.

During night-time operations, aircraft arriving from the East will overfly Culver City from TOMYS, near the Dr. Maya Angelou Community High School, and fly over Santa Monica’s CLIFY.

This arrival path is the BIGBR STAR and is north of the previous night-time arrival path.

It enters Culver City over West Los Angeles College and exits east of Tito’s Tacos. This will also be 1,000 feet lower. Five percent of Culver City’s overflight will be by this route.

Mr. Murray, a member of the LAX Community Noise Roundtable, may be contacted at stmurray@2pound.com


  1. Thank you for the update.

    I will most definitely be at the meeting on September 8m 2015, and I will be writing a letter of my disapproval. Within the last few hours there has been approximately 8 to 10 large (JUMBO) jet planes that has flown over my home; they are very loud and very noisy. Dogs are barking (yelping) and the elderly in my building are scared and restless; they are wondering why all of a sudden they are hearing these low lying loud jets flying over their homes?!

    I will speak with them and ask them to write letters to your offices expressing their dissension of NO to this plan, that is of course if they are not able to attend the meeting.

    Again, thank you for notifying us; I do not agree with this plan and thus if this is open for vote, I vote NO! Please do not permit this … it is very, very disturbing. We are hard working class people and some retirees and we need our rest. These LOUD noises (PLANES) flying over our homes all hours of the day and night is not right. Please do not allow this ….

    Our windows and our buildings are old; they are rattling and we can feel the thunder from the engines as if we are being attacked or having an earthquake.

    Finally in closing, it is 10:30 P.M. and within the 30 minutes that it took me to write this email, 2 more jumbo-jets have flown over our home. I feel like there will be no sleep or rest for us tonight.

    PLEASE NO!!!!

    Thank you!



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