Home News Dearly Beloved, There Is Good News Tonight

Dearly Beloved, There Is Good News Tonight


If you will forgive the extravagant grammatical casualness, it will be like olden times – oh, so early in 2014 – when shiny new Mayor Mehaul O’Leary makes his maiden voyage as Hizzoner at this evening’s 7 o’clock City Council meeting in Council Chambers.

If non-believers will glance to the sky for a flash, it can be disclosed that Mr. O’Leary,

son of the Old Sod and a proper Irish Catholic pillar of the community, is restoring the  revered Invocation to the Council agenda … for as long as he is in charge.

He did not want to – if partisan critics will forgive the timely verb – billboard the comeback of prayer, the return of a reverent reverie.

He who recites the Invocation has not been finalized. Could be Mr. Mayor with a surprise dusted off from truly olden times.

An inquiring reporter wanted to know why.

In a rising tone of approbation, the reporter flung open the door of a conversation by saying, “The invocation is back tonight!”

Feigning shock, Mayor O’Leary answered, “My God! I wonder how that happened.”

The mayor was asked if restoration of the invocation – eliminated as unnecessary by predecessor Meghan Sahli-Wells – was a difficult call.

“No, it was just something that was going to come back if I was in charge,” Mr. O’Leary said. “I appreciate the invocation.”

He wanted to say that  “we are not going to make a big deal of it. It was made a big deal getting rid of it. We are not going to make a big deal of bringing it back.”

Mr. O’Leary elaborated on his reasoning.

“I personally like the idea that we as a Council have very important decisions to make,” he said. “We are mere mortals. I would like to think there is divine inspiration for our decision-making.

“Anything I can do to encourage that, which would include the Invocation, I will.”


  1. Mayor Sahli-Wells did not eliminate the Invocation. She merely changed the name to Reflection. It’s been there, every Council meeting, fulfilling the same function it always did. So, rather than being glad it’s “back”, perhaps our reporter should be glad that Mayor O’Leary restored its previous name.


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