Home News Deadline to be Nachbar Aide

Deadline to be Nachbar Aide

Martin Cole
Martin Cole

Three dozen people would love to be John Nachbar’s first true deputy as the city manager approaches the five-year anniversary of his own hiring.

Friday at 5 o’clock, the close of the business day, is the filing deadline to become Culver City’s first Assistant to the City Manager.

Human Resources Director Serena Wright said the 35 applications were fewer than expected.

“But I don’t judge the number until the end,” Ms. Wright said. “People have a tendency to file near the deadline.”

Mr. Nachbar, whose public profile steadily has been expanding in recent months, technically had an aide until Martin Cole recently vanished.

Carrying the title Assistant City Manager, Mr. Cole also was the City Clerk. This was widely regarded as his main responsibility.

Mr. Nachbar is not looking for another Mr. Cole.

As City Clerk, Mr. Cole gained a dimension of visibility that was not available in his off-stage role as aide-de-camp to Mr. Nachbar.

Mr. Cole thrived in the public aspect of his duties — or he was a terrific actor.

It is not talked about, but Messrs. Nachbar and Cole were not best pals.

Job descriptions for Mr. Cole’s role and for the duties of the first Assistant to the City Manager are as far apart as Montreal is from Tehran.


  1. This is a prime example of why a city manager model under John Nachbar is focused on having all dept heads in the city report to him, including the police and fire depts. No matter what anyone personally believes about these departments or thinks about the culture changes at city hall, it might be time to make that change. For old timers who have seen years of staff scurrying to curry favor with council members is no way to run a city. Many of the older staff who have connections to families in the city will be stepping down, many of the newer staff shouldn’t have to buck that system at their peril. I was appalled when it was suggested that our current police dept might need an oversight committee due to the politics of the person suggesting it. Lets treat people we pay like professionals and hold the city manager accountable at the council level


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