Home News City Manager’s Bi-Weekly Update to the Community

City Manager’s Bi-Weekly Update to the Community

Culver City
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City Manager’s Office

WLAC Liaison Committee — The first meeting of the West Los Angeles College / Culver City Liaison Committee meeting was held at City Hall last week.

Committee Members include City Councilmen Thomas Small and  Göran Eriksson, WLAC Vice President of Workforce Education Mark Pracher, City Manager John Nachbar and new WLAC President James Limbaugh. The Committee discussed its goals, which include finding ways to expand partnerships between WLAC and the city to enhance economic and academic opportunities, as well as quality of life in

Fire Dept.

Mustaches for Men’s Health Awareness – “Movember” is a month-long campaign geared towards raising awareness and funds for men’s health. Firefighters are growing mustaches. The funds will help save and improve the lives of men and their families affected by prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health problems. To donate, visit the Culver City Fire Department’s Movember Page.

$1,000 to Breast Cancer Charity –Firefighters donated 100 percent of the proceeds from October’s Pink T-Shirt sales, $1,000, to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

Parks, Recreation and Community Services Dept.

Winter Wonderland Camp – Winter break is coming, and here is a solution for your childcare needs.  The city is offering a two-week camp for youngsters from 5 to 13.  Campers will enjoy days filled with snow show races, gingerbread condo making, crafts, sports, field trips and more.  Space is limited.  Registration packets are available at the Registration Office.  Registration begins Nov. 19 for Culver City residents, Nov. 26 for non-residents.  The cost is $135 per week for resident participants and $166 for non-residents.  Hours are 9:00 am – 6:00 pm.  Week 1 of Winter Camp runs Dec. 19-23. Week 2 is Dec. 26-30. Extended care is available from 7 to 9 a.m. for an additional $26.  For more information: 310.253.6650.

Veterans Auditorium — The Vets will be open for rentals on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. Inquiries:  vmc.booking@culvercity.org or 310.253.6625.  More information on specific VMB rooms is available at www.culvercity.org.

Police Dept.

Chiefs of Police Conference –Asst. Chief Allen Azran attended the International Assn. of Chiefs of Police Annual Conference and Exposition in San Diego last month.  The conference provides law enforcement executives from around the world with educational programs, keynote speakers, community building special events and the largest collection of tactical equipment and technological solutions for law enforcement.  Chief Azran attended several of these sessions and engaged in open dialogue with various police leaders and executives from around the state and country.

Public Works Dept.

Cool Planet Awards — The Cool Planet Awards ceremony celebrates Southern California Edison’s business customers and their commitment to installing energy efficiency projects, participating in demand response programs, and implementing environmental and greenhouse gas management systems. Culver City was recognized for its Environmental Leadership in Energy and Carbon management with an Honorable Mention in the Government & Institutional category. Mayor Jim Clarke accepted the award at the Huntington Library in San Marino.

City Reduces Water Use — To address six years of continuous drought in California and as part of the city’s Water Conservation Plan, the city modified or replaced nearly 300 water fixtures in 24 city buildings that resulted in reducing water use by 35 percent.  The analysis measured water use from July-September and compared it to the same period in 2015.  The Water Efficient Fixtures project included the installation of low-flow aerators on faucets, waterless urinals, high-efficiency shower heads, water efficient toilets and dual-flush valves (for solid/liquid waste).

Nearly 40 New Parking Spaces -– The Engineering Division has been working with the Board of the Fox Hills Neighborhood Assn. to improve the quality of life for the residents, particularly in the area of traffic and parking.  Staff is working on several components of an upcoming project, including the installation of new bike lanes, speed feedback signs, possible new marked crosswalks, and a future study to determine if speeds can be reduced on Green Valley Circle and on Buckingham Parkway.

Recently, in acknowledgement of the high density of the neighborhood and the growing need for on-street residential parking over the years, the Monterey-style parking layout was removed in late October. The Monterey style parking layout is where two adjacent parking spaces are separated from the next adjacent pair of parking spaces by an 8-foot segment of red curb. When this layout is distributed throughout a neighborhood, a significant length of curb is dedicated to red curb segments separating pairs of parking spaces.  These spaces are also delineated by parking tees.

A part of the Fox Hills Neighborhood’s residential on-street parking did not use the Monterey- style layout. It was observed that the use of parking spaces in these segments, compared to where Monterey style was installed, was more efficient. More cars were parked without causing vehicles parked in between two cars to be landlocked.  Residential neighborhoods, with the previous exception of the Fox Hills Neighborhood, do not have Monterey- style parking.

Removal of Monterey parking in the residential streets of the Fox Hills Neighborhood resulted in the recovery of nearly 40 additional parking spaces.

Construction Update  — Culver Connect is Culver City’s municipal fiber open access network.  It will facilitate providing high-speed quality broadband service to the Culver City School District, and the municipal government.  Construction of Culver Connect began in August.  Much progress has been made on the Culver Connect Fiber Optic Project, and the City appreciates the community’s support and patience of the construction activities.  The North Ring conduit construction is substantially complete.  In the next few weeks, until the end of the year. fiber cable will be installed in existing and new conduits.   The overall construction of the North Ring is reported as approximately 85 percent complete.  Construction of the Central Ring is underway with 25 percent of the conduit construction completed.  The Central Ring involves a greater impacts to the city streets and impact to traffic.  Weekend work is being performed where necessary in order to minimize the impact on the public.  This work will continue into the first quarter of 2017.  The South Ring is slated to begin conduit construction in the first quarter of 2017.  Overall the project is 25 percent complete.  The project is on time and within budget.  The city is striving to make the network available ahead of schedule.  The project is continuing to maintain the momentum that was established in the initial stages of the project.  Interested Culver City businesses and commercial property owners are encouraged to complete the Customer Interest Survey at www.culvercity.org/culverconnect.  City staff will contact those completing the survey when the network is operational.  For additional information, call 310.253.5525.

Transportation Depy.

Rideshare events in Southern California Continuing to encourage citizens to share the ride,  the department participated in Rideshare Fairs. Staff answered questions and pass out information to attendees curious about Culver CityBus routes and services.

Lin Howe Field Trip – Culver CityBus partnered with the School District to provide transportation for Linwood Howe students to attend a special performance by the Cal Band. Eighty-two students and their chaperones were provided with TAP cards and rode Line 7 from Culver City High School for the experience. Culver City High School hosted the Cal Band so they could get some practice time in.

Limited Edition Centennial TAP Cards – Centennial TAP (Transit Access Pass) cards now available for $2 at either of two physical sales locations.  Come Visit us in person at our City Hall or Transportation offices.

Mr. Nachbar, the city manager, may be contacted at johnnachbar@culvercity.org


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