Home News Bass Links Jobs to Obamacare

Bass Links Jobs to Obamacare

Ms. Bass
Ms. Bass

Dateline Washington — U.S. Rep. Karen Bass (D-Culver City/Crenshaw District) discussed impending Republican cuts on Obamacare and Medicare live on MSNBC on Thursday evening.

“Obamacare isn’t just a healthcare plan, Ms. Bass said. “It also is a jobs plan.

“If Republicans destroy the ACA, they are not only abandoning millions of Americans with new health benefits, they are also abandoning those jobs,” she charged.

“Thank you to those who flooded my offices with calls yesterday to share your stories.

“Know that I hear you. I will stand to protect Medicare and Obamacare.”

Watch here: https://bass.house.gov/media-center/in-the-news/rep-bass-defends-obamacare-and-medicare-msnbc

Mr. Seidl, deputy press secretary for Ms. Bass, may be contacted at Zachary.Seidl@mail.house.gov


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