Home News Arnold Will Be Health Center Speaker

Arnold Will Be Health Center Speaker

Mr. Arnold

Joshua Arnold, the new superintendent of the School District, will be the featured speaker next week at the Friends of the Sandy Segal Youth Health Center annual meeting.

At 7 o’clock next Thursday evening in the Culver City High School library, Dr. Arnold will share his vision for the future of the School District.

The public is welcome to attend the meeting.  Refreshments will be served.

After the program, Anne Allaire, School Board member and Board liaison to the Friends group, will conduct the installation of Board members.

President Dr. Sarah Carpenter will once again lead the Board.

Afterward, everyone is invited to walk over to the Health Center and witness unveiling of a plaque dedicated to Andy and Richard Alexander.

Andy was a founder of the Health Center. She worked for decades to obtain the means and support necessary to maintain the services provided to students.

While serving on the City Council and as a member of the Exchange Club, Richard, also known as Alex, helped establish the Health Center on the campus of the Middle School and high school.

The Exchange Club has been invited to the meeting to share this special event.

The Friends group serves as the fundraising arm of the Health Center.  Free physical and mental health services, as well as health education, are provided to children living in Culver City or attending Culver City schools.

The nonprofit Center is supported through donations.

For more information about this event or participating in fundraising efforts, call Sarah at 310.837.3734, or email her at sarahssyhc@gmail.com.

To find out more about the Health Center, see www.sandysegalyouthhealthcenter.org.

Ms. Schwartz may be contacted at www.ssschwar@pacbell.net


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