Home Breaking News A Trump Odor Provokes Protest at West

A Trump Odor Provokes Protest at West

A day of anti-Trump protesting at West L.A. College

Like students around the nation, nearly 100 West Los Angeles College students participated in a protest walk during the lunch hour last Wednesday.

The activity was coordinated by the college’s Associated Student Organization in conjunction with student organizations at the other eight campuses that comprise the Los Angeles Community College District.

WLAC Anti-Trump ProtestSeveral faculty and staff members accompanied the noisy but orderly procession that moved from the heart of the West campus to occupy the four corners of the nearby intersection of Overland Avenue and Jefferson Boulevard.

As students chanted “student power,” “not my president” and decried racism and xenophobia, many drivers honked in support as they passed.

The flyer circulating that encouraged students to join in the peaceful demonstration stated, “A vote for Trump is a vote against me…stand up against racism, xenophobia, sexism and all forms of bigotry that Trump represents.”

“One of the most important functions of education in this country,” said Dr. James Limbaugh, West’s new president, “is preparing students to become informed citizens who are active in the civic process.

“Today we are seeing our students begin to exercise some of the organizational skills and rights about which they have been learning.”

Dr. Limbaugh said statements by President-elect Trump have created anxiety on campus, especially among undocumented students, students with immigrant relatives and/or friends, LBGT students and others.

District Chancellor Francisco C. Rodriguez also sounded a supportive tone.

“We are reaffirming and upholding to you our values as public institutions of higher learning,” he said in a letter to all District students. .

WLAC Anti-Trump Protest“These values include justice, equity, diversity and inclusion. We are committed to ensure that all students have full access to our colleges, as well as providing you the support needed to succeed in your studies.”

Using recent events as a teaching opportunities, some faculty are augmenting their lesson plans with discussions about America’s political structure including a special lecture on “The Checks of Presidential Power,” by political science Prof. Christopher Lee the day after the demonstration.

See video here.

Ms. Long-Coffee may be contacted at longcofm@wlac.edu


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