Home Breaking News When the Final Score Was 73-0

When the Final Score Was 73-0

Photo: Jose Carlos Fajardo/Bay Area News Group

Even if President Trump had nominated G-d to the Supreme Court last evening, it would not have changed anything.

Here are 73 reasons that blustery, often choreographed  left-wingers will continue to prance and preen on America’s darkest streets and alleys until, hopefully, they drop fro exhaustion:

The New York Times, America’s most offensive, corrupt publication, especially since Nov. 8, carried 45 Trump administration-related stories in yesterday’s national edition. As has been the case since Election Day, all were meanly critical of Mr. Trump.

The Times’s kid brother, the Los Angeles Times, ran 28 Trump-linked stories, all negative.

The astronomical total of 73 anti-Trump — anti-anyone — stories in one day in two newspapers surely is unprecedented.

The socially cancerous Jenny Craig dropouts cluttering our streets and smudging our airwaves finally are getting the attention they long have sought – at the cost of failing to enrich their own evidently pathetic lives. People with purpose usually do not resort to clownism. To guarantee their recognizability, their daily gasoline-fumed messages are as incoherent as apparently the daily lives they have abandoned.

Hoisting vacuous, crudely drawn signs about the left-wing burp-of-the-moment is a stunt you engineer at age 14 to counter a rush of anger.

This cannot be fulfilling, no matter how modest the goals of a “protestor” are.

Pick up a newspaper. Check your phone. Turn on a television. The scenes remind you of a pickle barrel a joker turned upside down.

The stench of unguarded pickles that have been lying out almost three months seems a fitting co-pilot for meandering “protestors” who probably should go home and shower. With the water running.


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