On the one-week anniversary of the School Board’s surprise uncoupling of Supt. Josh Arnold after his first year in Culver City, the original impression remains:
Although insiders say they anticipated the change, the community was caught off-guard.
In March, Sue Robins stepped down as School Board president to move to Maine with her family.
When polled for a reaction in her new hometown, Ms. Robins said:
“Portland is a lovely town with spectacular sunsets nearly every night.
“Great people, great trails for walking and biking, lots of fantastic restaurants, and, of course lots of lobster and moose!”
As for dispatching Dr. Arnold:
“I’m afraid I have nothing to offer.
“As I was no longer on the Board, I was not involved in the conversations that resulted in Dr. Arnold’s departure.
“I do not have information about the circumstances, the timing or the decision-making process. Sorry I couldn’t help.”
David Mielke, who has served in two centuries as president of the Teachers Union, was reached in his summer home:
“I’m just getting the news here in my summer home in Lake George, NY.
“I had no idea that this was coming. I had no sense that the Board and Dr. Arnold were not on the same page.
“Josh and I had a great working relationship.
“It was clear to me that he was committed to the continuation of the labor/management partnership that the union and the School District formed with Dave LaRose.
“I am hoping that the Board will seek out candidates who will continue the collaborative work that has been so positive these past several years.”