Whether Crook or Messiah, Black Politicos Soar in The N.Y. Times and the L.A. Times

Ari L. NoonanSports

They Used to Make Fun of USA Today

The instinctive response of both the Los Angeles Times and The New York Times has been to doff their gray, boring, traditional makeup while trying gamely to emulate the clownish gaudiness of the highly successful USA Today, whom the boys and girls at both newspapers used to mock. They still mock USA Today, only from a different location, unemployment lines, where they stand with the rest of the unwashed. The daily products both newspapers currently publish resemble a convention of seventh grade journalists. The only way the content of both extremely garish newspapers could be less reflective would be if someone took away the large mirrors that the ideological boys and girls use for preening purposes. They have offended, and lost, hundreds of thousands of purveyors of serious news in the last 6 years by constantly abrogating their sacred community trust to present the news in a fair and balanced way. They have gotten mileage out of mocking the Fox News mantra, but in their heart of hearts, they know they are not fooling perceptive readers who are smartly and steadfastly deserting them. The shrinking readership base of the two newspapers is steadily being winnowed. The increasingly blatant failure to present even vaguely balanced news stories has whittled each newspaper’s readership down to the screamers and radicals of the extreme left. Shrillness has supplanted comprehensive reporting. If you doubt that, read the letters section each day. Seven times a week, the letters are one long liberal rant.

The Seduction of Unsuspecting Blacks

Since the middle 1960s, a core value of the extreme left has been to play footsy with the black community. The fast-talking Democrats seduced blacks, through their culpable, corrupt, leaders, overnight, hand and foot, without asking a question or seeking a demonstration of authenticity. There is a reason, boys and girls, that Democrats have lost 2 of every 3 Presidential elections since 1860, and congressional elections only once every 12 years. The rest of the country sees their characteriological shortcomings. The black community, as embodied today by the Three Stooges, the Rev. Jackson, the Rev. Sharpton, and the anti-Reverent Rangel, ratified the Democratic Party’s lock and stock seduction. The Democrats have American blacks, 95 percent of them, exactly where they want them, fulltime toadies, under their heels, voters who refused to leave, no matter how badly they are treated, no matter there is no payoff for the rank and file. Since around 90 percent of the mainstream media is unabashedly liberal, quite in control of the steering wheel, black politicians gain free passes, no matter how corrupt they are. Consider the present-day coverage of the cases of two gentlemen of apparently opposite virtues, the scandal-plagued New Orleans congressman William (I Am No Crook) Jefferson and the sin-free Democratic presidential candidate Barack (I Couldn’t Make up This Name) Obama. When the Los Angeles Times recently reported the election victory of the creepy and thuggish Mr. Jefferson, found by the cops to have $90,000 of illicit money in his freezer, the failing newspaper failed to mention that Mr. Jefferson was a Democrat. Imagine such an oversight by the newspaper that blatantly ignores crimes by Democratic politicians. You may remember several years ago when the disgraced Democratic congressman Gary Condit was suspected of killing a young woman, our scrupulous friends at the Los Angeles Times kept forgetting to tell us the little fellow was one of Dem. Voters, thankfully, did not. Yet, since shortly after the election, both failing Timeses have been drooling on their shirts, salivating over Mr. Obama and his White House prospects in ’08 because he is black and liberal. They offer only those 2 reasons. By the sheerest coincidence, both skidding newspapers ran obscenely long salivation pieces this past Sunday on Mr. Obama. In both cases, they stopped just short of designating him the Messiah. All of which may come as a surprise to God. Would you believe that neither newspaper could unearth a single, even wispy, criticism of the man with B.O.? Each journal’s integrity plummeted 10 more points.