The Gospel (of Christmas), According to Matthew, ‘Ridley-Thomas,’ Luke and John

Ari L. NoonanSports

Pretty as a Picture

Perched diagonally inside a scarlet beribboned box, the centerpiece of the greeting card is a lovely family portrait of the 4 Ridley-Thomases, the Senator, Avis, Sebastian and Sinclair. I confess I may have elasticized the truth by identifying the computerized bean soup by labeling it a “Christmas” card. Heaven forbid, the scrupulously politically correct Man Who Walks Around With a Piggybacked Name Dangling From His Neck would rather gargle food with trans fats than mention the dreaded politically incorrect term “Christmas.” This is how anti-religious types hamhandedly try to mask their bigotry. When I read Mr. Ridley-Thomas’s salubrious salutation near the bottom of the card, I began to develop gooselumps near the bottom of my feet: “Wishing you a blessed holiday season and a new year of hope and happiness.” How specific, how personal, how truly meaningful. No wonder he won in a landslide.

Tsk, Tsk, Senator

But when Mr. Ridley-Thomas dipped his practiced hand into the New Testament, lifted out one of the best-known Biblical quotes, and then put his own politically correct spin on it, he offended me. According to the redoubtable Biblical scholar Mark Ridley-Thomas, the Gospelist Luke actually wrote: “Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, and good will toward humankind.” Being charitable since tomorrow is the final night of Chanukah, we Irish Jews call this creative Ridley-Thomas interpretation blathering blarney. Journalists get fired for these kinds of stunts. Politicians must be of a lower class. The Man Who Walks Around With a Piggybacked Name Dangling From His Neck probably would not be allowed to enter his own home tonight if he had employed the effrontery to call the final word by its traditional name, “mankind” rather than the artificialized “humankind.” Mr. Ridley-Thomas is a loyal soldier in the army of bullying radicals who love to generalize what is specific in America. The wealthy should share their bank accounts with the poor. Everyone who is not rich is a victim. No detectable difference exists between men and women, I mean male-person and female-person. They are committed to watering down traditional societal terms en route to making America a faceless, robotic, lookalike, dumbed-down land. This is the same clownish feminized crowd that abhors definitive terms such as “failure” in the classroom. They have ruled it is not good for the delicate self-esteem of the miniature adults. Yes, it is as ludicrous as it sounds. The game is about control, baby.

Is Anything Sacred or Valued?

Heaven knows, there are 487 million separate, competing religious interpretations of the Jewish bible and the Christian bible. The Man Who Walks Around With a Piggybacked Name Dangling From His Neck sold out long ago to whatever was culturally trendy at the moment. He clearly lacks the strength of character to resist the slick-tongued cultural arbiters who tell him what to think. He is a cherry-picker with carousel values. When a politician of weak character blatantly stoops to re-pretzel an otherwise undisputed biblical interpretation for his own twisted use, it portends illy for the communities he serves. Trust in the gentleman is on life support. Welcome, fellow persons (and perdaughters), to the strange universe of Sen. Mark Ridley-Thomas. If, heaven forbid, he divorces and remarries, does he then become Sen. Mark Ridley-Thomas-Whatever-Her-Name-Is? We may consider ourselves lucky if her name is Wimp.