Santa Monica Shakeup

Ari L. NoonanSports

Step Aside or Risk Your Health

Within the past six months, the City Manager has retired, the School District Supt. John Deasy — who was too Far Left for very liberal Santa Monica — scooted out of town while the gates were still open, without awaiting the end of the school year, and last week, the long-rumored resignation of Police Chief James Butts came true. Either the top tier of Santa Monica leadership is in disarray or, as they are saying in Beverly Hills, It was mere coincidence that seven school administrators in the district resigned within a few weeks of each other. To summarize, the public school system is central to everyday life in Santa Monica, and the system’s two most powerful figures are now out. Arguably, the Police Chief and the City Manager are the city’s most influential political tone-setters, and they are out. We must not forget that while ignoring the stampede for the nearest exit, the generous City Council hired Ed Edelman, the pedestrian former County Supervisor, at an eye-popping $200,000 a year last winter to solve the city’s self-induced homeless “problem.” This is like a fat lady, arms bulging with sweets from the bakery, hiring a pastry chef to cure her weight problem. Santa Monica may need a therapist more than a city manager or a police chief.

Please Go to a Neutral Corner

Last time I looked at Samohi, the campus resembled Haditha. Cops may spend more time there than around the shiny new Police Station. It’s a heaving, hard-breathing firecracker every school day. Girls fighting with each other was new to me when it flared up several years ago at Samhohi. Girls as well as boys engage in so many campus fights that Ring Magazine, the journal of prizefighting, was considering a cover story on ‘em. That, my dear liberal enablers, is what happens when you purposely, proudly throw together children from scores of rival cultures, as if they were so many inanimate strands of spaghetti. The Samohi campus has offered the best fights Los Angeles has seen since the old Olympic Auditorium was staging Thursday night boxing cards back in the 1970s. If a mild-mannered Lutheran-believing white couple living in a bucolic corner of the Middle West can fight their way through a marriage, what do you think will happen when 3500 rainbow-colored boys and girls, all testosterone-driven, are dropped into a relatively cooped-up campus?

A Fence Around Their Minds

Such are the limited imaginations of many liberals in leadership positions that they believe diversity alone is a strongly positive value. When the School Board sketched a profile last month for a successor to Mr. Deasy as the Superintendent, it rang the diversity bell in introducing the Santa Monica-Malibu School District. Four concepts at the top of the criteria list merit comment because they clearly tip off candidates about the tilted the puppet leader is expected to govern.

Tell the Whole Diversity Story

First: “This is an exceptional opportunity for an individual wishing to be a Superintendent in a highly successful district that is proud of its diversity.” Comment: “Proud of its diversity” would be fine if only the children from different cultures didn’t have rap sheets for fighting with each other.

America? America? What’s That?

Second: “The Board seeks an educational leader with the vision to help students become productive, contributing members in the global society of the 21st century.” Comment: “The global society” sounds innocent enough. But students who have resisted liberal indoctrination have made two documented complains: They are taught little about this country and anti-Americanism is rampant, among teachers and their student acolytes. Remember, the departed Mr. Deasy decreed several years ago that the hallowed Veterans Day would not be celebrated on the Samohi campus. He feared it would offend non-native students. 

You Must Be Equal

Finally: The Board asks that candidates present a demonstrated record of “raising achievement for all students, narrowing the achievement gap, and fostering equitable access to higher levels of learning.”
Comment: “Narrowing the gap” and “giving all students equitable access” have become destructive principles on many campuses. One reason raging all-day anger haunts committed liberals is that they dedicate their lives to making the rest of the world exactly equal, whether the world wants it or not. Hammer in hand, liberals have been poisoning students in public schools for 35 years, teaching the dogma of drop-dead equality, regardless of the course topic. Students have been taught that merit, a foundational American value, is not a factor. If 14 white students in one class received A’s, why did only 13 blacks and 12 Hispanics receive A’s? Liberals take this seriously. Does the 1000 block on Main Street in Santa Monica have as many Hispanic bartenders as the 1100 block? Are there as many lesbian owners of men’s clothing stores as there are straight women? “Fostering equitable access to higher levels of learning” is another insidious principle dressed up in a necktie to fool the unsuspecting by sounding so smooth. It is simply code, as often has been demonstrated, for pushing non-achieving minority students, and poor white students, to the front with — or ahead of — the legitimate high school scholars.


If you would like to become Superintendent of the District, with a swath of influence over Santa Monica High School’s 3500 students who are all equally smart, equally beautiful, equally tall, equally short and equally fat, the line forms — naturally — to the left.