Thanks for the Memories Permit me to test your memory. Nearly a year and a half ago, word leaked into the pipeline of this newspaper that A Mysterious Group of Highly Secretive Doctors was buying Brotman, which had proven to be a graveyard for all previous owners. Within hours, I dialed your office. No one in your sphere must possess anything resembling a sense of urgency. A few days later, your secretary called back. Said she would be pleased to pass the message to you. Time must walk slowly in your world. I presume there are hourglasses rather than clocks in your office. Second call, your secretary says you won’t be available for two weeks, but to call on a certain date. Having been married too many times not to mechanically follow orders, I dutifully telephoned on the appointed day. Flashing her degree from the University of (Verbal) Bologna, your secretary says you are not quite ready to talk, but please be patient. This was beginning to feel like the chapter of my life called Mothers-in-Law I Have Known or Adored. By the 5th or 6th attempt, Ms. University of Bologna told me with a straight face, “Dr. Terner will call you when he is ready.” I told her I was ready now. She was not impressed. Jakie, baby, I hope you practice medicine better than you practice ownership, at which you are lousy. Before I Go I have no idea if you care what people associated with you think. When Jozelle Smith resigned from many years of service with the Brotman governing board to protest the way Ms. Cate was fired, she made clear her negative feelings about your ownership team’s management style. Does that bother you? Or are you bullet-proof? Brotman is not your private little sandbox. To my knowledge, you never have publicly discussed your vision, your plans for much-criticized Brotman Medical Center with the community. Like a ghost, you have tried to slip into the hospital business un-noticed. According to Ms. Smith, the year-old owners have not made any changes that the public would detect around a hospital that has been sagging for years. If you are bashful, let Ms. Ditzy Public Relations speak for you. But for heaven’s sake, give her something to say. After canning Ms. Cate, I saw this morning where you have made more news that you apparently wish to have ignored. Youthful Howard Levine, Brotman’s Chief Operating Officer, has been appointed Interim CEO to stand in for Ms. Cate. In view of these developments, Jakie, baby, please call or email when you are ready to talk. Your Forgotten Friend.