Remember That People Pull the Triggers on Guns

Mike HennesseyOP-ED

Dateline Dayton — With the killings and serious injuries from the shootings in Arizona, we have been hearing a lot about gun control. Here in Ohio we had a Deputy Sheriff killed a couple weeks ago, and a 10-year-old boy killed his mother. Then there was the teenage who got a pistol belonging to his police officer father and killed the assistant principal and wounded the principal of his school.

What is the cause of all this violence?

I wish I could say it is guns. It is not.

Guns don’t kill, people do. If we were to outlaw the ownership of guns, only outlaws would have guns. Law-abiding citizens, who want to own a gun or guns, should have that right.

With gun ownership however comes responsibility. Guns should always be in a locked cabinet or in your control at all times. A gun in a drawer or under the mattress is not in your control. The policeman never should have left his weapon where his son could gain access. I hope the appropriate action is taken by his superiors.

They Were Armed, but…

Just the other day a friend who owns a jewelry store, was being robbed. He was able to get the robber to leave because both he and his brother had guns. The bad guy did fire. So did Nick and his brother.

Fortunately, no one in the store was hurt, even though 20 rounds were fired.

The brothers and the police are hoping the bandit was hit and will require medical attention. No one knows, though. Was this a smart move on the part of the brothers? I don’t think so. But I credit them for standing up to this individual.

What About Pretend Violence?

I wonder what part all the violence and killings we see on television, in the movies and on video games, plays in the minds of young people.

Some shows and movies tend to glorify killing. Does this cause someone to go out and kill for the fun of it? I don’t know.

I am concerned about the amount of time our youth sit in front of the television with little or no supervision over what they are watching.

Worse is the time they devote to video games. How do you supervise what they are playing? Sure the games are rated.

Even I know that means nothing, just like the movies. When have you seen someone turned away? Worse yet, parents take their children to see sex and violence on the big screen and allow them to watch the same on television.

In my day, we didn’t have metal detectors in our schools. Many boys, possibly girls, carried knives. Did we see them? No!

Security and discipline in my high school, consisted of the principal wearing a paddle on her belt. Believe me, if you got in trouble at school, it would only be worse that night at home.

Today parents of children who cause trouble are either at school complaining how their child is being picked on or they will visit their attorney.

We need to go back to supporting teachers and administrators. Give them the authority and permission to do the job we have entrusted to them, educating our children, in a safe and orderly environment.

This could be a first step for children to learn to respect life, to learn you don’t kill people for fun or because you didn’t like school. first step in children learning to respect

Adults must set an example. When frustrated with elected officials, take your feelings to the ballot box where change can be made —even though it will be a slower, more deliberate process.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at