Zirgulis Touts Underdogs King and Abrams in Today’s Election

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Robert Zirgulis

I think the City Council needs new blood in today’s election.  What better candidates than underdogs Gary Abrams and Christopher King?

I believe Mr. Abrams would be a great City Council person because he is the guy who is beholden to no one. He  speaks his mind.  He will cut through the bullcrap and get down to business. 

He will find ways to get money to help our schools and fix the Natatorium.

Mr. King will bring fresh, innovative ideas to the City Council.  I have seen how dedicated he is over the past few years, and I have urged the 2,000 people who signed the petition to fix the Culver City school Natatorium to vote for him and Mr. Abrams.

Mr. Zirgulis, former School Board candidate, may be contacted at Zirgulisr@yahoo.com