Zirgulis Calls on the Police

Letters to the EditorLetters

Re “Red Light Cameras Save Accidents? Balderdash, Says Zirgulis”

This is a copy of the Public Records Request I made regarding red light camera accidents.  I made the request yesterday at 4:27 p.m.  Officer Brown will probably be responsible for gathering the data.

Here is the letter:

Culver City Police Dept.                          May 19, 2014
Public Records Dept.

Public Information and Records Request
I would like to make a Public Information and Records Request for the following information.

I would like information on how many traffic accidents were caused by drivers running red lights at all the red light camera intersections from 1984 through 1998. 

I would like to know how many accidents were caused by red light runners from 1998 to present 2014 at the red light intersections.

I would like to know what data was given to City Council members that would cause them to believe that installing red light cameras would stop red light accidents.

Please contact me.
