Your Endorsement Facts Are Made Out of What?

Letters to the EditorLetters

Re “Union Endorsements Transparent? Only 4.2 % and 1.7 % Voted”

Dear Ms. Wallace,

I am not sure where you have gotten your numbers on our endorsements for the School Board. I would like to point out that “teachers” and “certified” employees are one and the same group.

Therefore, you are still not providing accurate information to the readers whom you claim you want to inform.

Since your goal is to inform the community about endorsements and how important they may or may not be in this election, I, as a member of this community, would appreciate it if you would provide the same statistical information regarding the endorsements of the Chamber of Commerce and United Parents of Culver City in your quest of investigative reporting.

While I think you would probably find that panels representative of the greater body in any group are the norm, it would be interesting to do the comparison. Perhaps, you could provide us with that information?

I did visit the websites of the other candidates, as you suggested. While there may, indeed, be individual members of our unions who support candidates other than the ones endorsed by their respective unions (because that is what democracy is about), there is nowhere near the 100 you mention.

I only saw one retired employee from my union listed. Perhaps you could point out the others? I would like to respectfully request that if you are going to write articles about the union endorsements (or any other union issues), that you verify your “facts” before posting.

Otherwise, your posts actually do represent politics, sour grapes, lack of substantial insight, or knee jerk reactions.

Ms. Hamme, president of ACE, the Assn. of Classified Employees, may be contacted at