You Need to Get Your Facts Straight First

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Madeline Ehrlich

Re “Success for All Takes Us All”

Dear George Laase:

Just a minute.
I read your second article on ALLEM regarding El Marino Language Immersion School.
Perhaps it is true that ALLEM asks for that suggested donation of $500 for every child each year to pay for the adjuncts.

However that does not mean that they get it.

Many parents at EL Marino do not or cannot give one red cent. ALLEM understands that not everyone is able to give that amount.

Before you go off on hearsay that is totally inaccurate, why don't you have a talk with the President and Treasurer of ALLEM.

One thing that I do know is that ALLEM appreciates their adjuncts. If they have the money, they will give them a raise.

When you blow off like this without having all your facts, shooting from the hip, you lose your credibility across the board.
George, you are a lot smarter than this.  Get your facts straight first.

Just trying to stir the pot is not an effective way of solving any issues.
Ms. Ehrlich, former School Board Member and founder of Advocates for Language Learning, may be contacted at