You Have Been Asking Silbiger the Wrong Question

Letters to the EditorLetters

Re “A New Reason That Teachers Union Candidates Failed

I have been reading your series of posts on the School Board election where you ask the question (mostly to Karlo Silbiger), “Why did the Teachers Union’s endorsed candidates lose?”

I think the premise of your question is flawed. You make the assumption that the Teachers Union leadership accurately represents the opinions of its membership.

If you were to look at the endorsements of United Parents of Culver City candidates, Kathy Paspalis, Sue Robins and Dr. Steve Levin, you would find that each of them has more individual teachers listed as supporting their campaigns than the three Teachers Union candidates have, combined.

Extrapolating this data, the more appropriate question would have been to ask, “Why did the union leadership not accurately represent the opinions of their membership when endorsing its candidates?”

Mr. O'Brien may be contacted at