Y Is About Being Penny-Wise, Not Pound-Foolish

Letters to the EditorLetters

As a Culver City resident for 50-plus years, I can attest to the community benefits of our remarkably well-run local government.

I acknowledge the present traumatic effects of our national economic recession and its threat to the maintenance of our comfortable, local existence.

Without the passage of Measure Y, which would add a minimal (half-cent sales tax) increase to our local retail tax base, the continuance of present services will be threatened. Our locally elected City Council members cannot avoid further cuts to local services if Measure Y does not pass.

Please join me in voting for Measure Y.

You will be ensuring the continuance of garbage collection and emergency responses by the fire and police departments.

As a member of the your School Board, I view Y’s passage as essential. The adage “Penny wise and pound foolish” comes to mind.

For such a moderate tax increase, let’s ensure retention of our present level of community service.

Ms. Goldberg may be contacted at godberg7@aol.com