Will These Suggestions Save the Ice Rink?

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Robert Zirgulis

Looks like another beloved Culver City landmark used by thousands of students and residents for the past 52 years is about to be demolished.

No, not the Culver City School Natatorium.  Unfortunately It's the Culver City Ice Rink. I attended the City Council meeting on Monday and was moved by the outpouring of support for keeping the Culver City Ice Rink open.  Over 11,000 signatures collected in a matter of a few days. The arguments and suggestions for keeping the Ice Rink open were convincing.

Two proposals should be looked at more closely.  One is to have the City Council declare the Ice Rink a “Historical Landmark.” That would preserve historical aspects of the building and delay its destruction.

The other proposal, more of a win-win situation, would be for Planet Granite to build their rock-climbing facility in the parking lot in back of the Ice rink.  In this way they could generate two incomes, for their rock-climbing patrons and one for the 5,000 people who use the Ice rink weekly.

Last night I asked the School Board if they could pass a resolution urging the City Council to declare the Ice Rink a Historical Landmark. The School Board has passed resolutions in support of what is good for our students and the community in the past.  Why can't they do the same for the Culver City Ice Rink, which has served our students and community for half a century?

Mr. Zurgulis may be contacted at zirgulisr@yahoo.com