Weissman Encourages a ‘Yes’ Vote on Measure CC

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Andy Weissman

I am writing to urge everyone to join me in voting to support the School District’s Measure CC bond on the June 3 ballot.

The bond issue will help repair a wide array of facilities across all of the School District's 10 school sites. We all know great schools mean great communities.

The quality of the environment in which our children learn is essential to the learning process.

The quality of our schools and the education provided to our children are are critical to our future.

As a graduate of Culver City schools, I am pleased to offer my support. I hope you agree that it is vital that we make sure that our school facilities are as high-quality as the education students receive at CCUSD.

To learn more about Measure CC, please click here.

Mr. Weissman, in the middle of his second four-year term on the City Council, may be contacted at info@weissmanforcouncil.com