We Need to Pass a Bond Measure, Paspalis Says After Workshop

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Kathy Paspalis

[Editor’s Note: The President of the School Board responds to this week’s workshop that updated the fiscal and physical aspects of the four-part capital projects program throughout the School District.]

My takeaway was that we cannot complete any of the important projects we really want to see done  – other than the solar project and the ADA elevator upgrades – without more capital.

There are many other needs beyond the four projects we have on the table right now. 

I have been saying for awhile that we should stop fighting over the crumbs.

Instead, we should start working together to get a bond measure passed.

That would enable us to do the majority of upgrades and renovations that are needed – such that our Culver City community can be proud of our school facilities once again. 

I think the workshop opened a lot of eyes to that reality.

Ms. Paspalis may be contacted at paspalis@earthlink.net