Verdicts That Caused Silbiger to Lose Favor with Voters

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Gary Abrams

Re “Top Ten (Letterman) Reasons That Silbiger Lost Last Month”

Andrew Castle, let me guess: You are a product of the great Culver City School District? Do not want to deflate your bubble, but your reasoning is flawed about last month’s School Board election.

Do not feel badly. Politics in Culver City is not unlike most small, unsophisticated cities. Usually it is above board. You may not know me, Culver City’s most feared Truth Teller.

Mr. Castle, you state that slate politics had nothing to do with the results of the School Board election. That is where we agree.

The outcome showed that the voting public preferred Dr. Steve Levin, Kathy Paspalis and Sue Robins over Karlo Silbiger and his running mates.

Dr. Levin, Ms. Paspalis and Ms. Robins, who taught in the District, were superior candidates with children in the District, who ran a better campaign.

The Democratic Club, Teachers Union and Assn. of Classified Employees endorsements don't carry the weight they once did.

Mr. Silbiger’s approval of District funds to pay for a bond analysis, and then his speech used to delay placing the bond on the ballot last July alienated much of the voting public.

The truth: Slick politics prevailed, the Corlin Machine.

Kathy Paspalis, the Corlin-backed candidate, ran a campaign that works only in Culver City. Ever wonder why no Culver City selected never made it countywide or statewide? Forget national. Christopher Armenta failed this month in his attempt to be the first one, endorsing Ms. Paspalis, stating that they had worked on the City Council/School Board liaison Committee, and they were able to agree to let the School Board use Council Chambers once a month (for a fee). Saw Ms. Paspalis on a mailer endorsing his competitor. I have heard of honor among thieves, but not in Culver City.

I was present at that meeting where the (acting) Superintendent waited past midnight to ask the Council for use of the Chambers for School Board meetings, the same meeting one where a Council member claimed that the city was prohibited from financially assisting the School District.

Maybe I shall enlighten the uninformed again.

Most politicians lie because that is accepted and expected of them.

Over a month ago I requested any selected politician former, present and future mayors or School Board president to produce the law that prohibits the city from assisting the School District. You normally would think that an attorney would be interested in something that affects a destitute District.

You wrongly are blaming all the District ills on Mr. Silbiger. He did Culver City a big favor by not allowing the bond vote to move forward.  Explains why the District Board is not interested in the so-called “law.”

Mr. Abrams may be contacted at