UPCC Says Backing Props. 30, 38 Is Year’s No. 1 Educational Goal

Letters to the EditorLetters

Vote yes on the school-funding propositions 30 and 38 as United Parents of Culver City joins with Council Parent Teachers Assn. (Yes on 38)
to alert parents to the importance of this election

On the web, log in to our portal, match your Facebook friends to the voter database and call them. We need your help.


Visit our “I Will Voted with UPCC, Yes on Props 30 & 38 & Culver City PTA Facebook page for more details.

In September, the UPCC Representatives Council held a lively discussion on the most important issues facing our children at the individual school level and District-wide.

Based on this discussion, and as suggested by UPCC vice president Steve Zee from El Rincon School, it was determined that the single most important issue we should focus our attention on is mobilizing our members and parents to support Props. 30 and 38.

Less than two weeks left in this campaign. Now is the time to get involved. There is nothing more important you can do to support your child’s education this year than to help these initiatives pass.

See the balance of the UPCC newsletter at http://us5.campaign-archive1.com/?u=45a049f901a1d6817382ae1a3&id=1e7e49da50&e=259b994453

Mr. Levin, President of United Parents of Culver City, may be contacted at president@unitedparentsculvercity.com