Two Views on the Election:

Letters to the EditorLetters

He is for Paspalis, but…

By Scott Zeidman

I have a “Re-Elect Kathy Paspalis” sign proudly displayed on my lawn.  It’s not only an attractive sign, but it also stands for doing what’s right for our students in the School Board election less than a month away.
I had the pleasure of working alongside Ms. Paspalis for two years on the Board, the very Board to which she seeks re-election.  I do not have to speculate as to what she would do if elected. I have seen, firsthand, what she does.
Working on any board takes intelligence, preparedness, collaboration and cooperation. It often means checking your ego at the door, making certain your decisions are in the best interests of the students.
Ms. Paspalis excels at doing just that.
She comes to every meeting thoroughly prepared.  She comes to every meeting with an open mind and the ability to not only persuade but, more importantly, to be persuaded. She works together incredibly well as a teammate, equally as well as a leader.  Ms. Paspalis is very active in the community, attending events almost nightly, representing our Board and the School District.
When electing a board, it is important to choose members who care more about the students than their own political careers.  It’s easy to give in to political pressure and follow the majority. It is easy to tell everyone what they want to hear. It is easy to spend money that the District doesn’t have. Easy, but none of it is right.
When you are voting on Election Day, do what is right for our students.  Join me in reelecting Ms. Paspalis for a seat on the School Board.  Our students deserve it.

Mr. Zeidman may be contacted at

…She is Backing Dr. Levin

By Ann Marie Fredal

I am writing to support Dr. Steve Levin as a School Board member in the Nov. 5 election.

I am a fourth grade teacher at Farragut Elementary School.  Starting from the time I taught their daughter seven years ago, I have had the honor of working with Steve Levin and his wife Lisa.

Dr. Levin and his wonderful wife are tireless contributors not only to Farragut but other schools in the District as well.  They never impose themselves in teachers' business and instead, only take care to help in ways that make our lives easier.

Both Dr. Levin and Lisa are non-intrusive, generous, helpful, and classy contributors. He is an extremely intelligent (let's just remember: rocket scientist), level-headed, calm, problem-solver.

He listens to problems and requests, simply responding, “Let's take care of that – What needs to be done first?” then proceeds to solve the problem.

“Mrs. Fredal needs wireless Internet in her room?  She should have it!”

Both Dr. Levin and Lisa work for the whole District – not just their own children's benefit. He volunteered his personal time as Farragut's Booster Club President, and our school rose to higher levels of achievement as a result. He provided structure and leadership for the school community.  Moreover, he provided support for teachers, understanding their curricular demands and not interfering with it.

I'm lending my full endorsement to Dr. Levin for CCUSD School Board.

Ms. Fredal may be contacted at