Two Readers Tell Siever: Get Your Facts Straight

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Skye King

Re “Why Siever Told Taylor, ‘You Have to Run’”

I practically lost my lunch yesterday when I read the article about Pat Siever and Vernon Taylor.

Apparently, at a recent meet ‘n greet, Ms. Siever asked Mr. Taylor what he thought about the fact that “there is a candidate… who has three children, but she only has one… in the District”?
You can’t make this stuff up.

Remember, Mr. Taylor is Karlo Silbiger’s virtual running mate. Don’t Mr. Taylor and Ms. Siever know that Mr. Silbiger’s  parents chose not to send him to Culver City High?

Probably not, because Mr. Silbiger claims to be a “product of Culver City schools” all the time.

Now there is a “credibility problem” for you, Mr. Taylor.

Does that mean Mr. Silbiger’s parents, former School Board member Barbara Honig and former City Councilman Gary Silbiger, felt that Culver High “wasn’t good enough?” Those are your words. Ouch.
Get your facts straight, Ms. Siever.

Sue Robins has two children, not three. If she and her husband felt that an all-girls high school was the right environment for their daughter, that is fine with me.

As a former CCUSD teacher, PTA president and parent of a CCHS graduate, Ms. Robins’s commitment to Culver City’s kids is well established.

As for the credibility of Mr. Taylor, Ms. Siever and Mr. Silbiger? Not so much.

Mr. King may be contacted at

While You Are on the Subject, Why Not Discuss the Silbigers?

By Michael Hamill

Re “Why Siever Told Taylor, ‘You Have to Run’”

If Ms. Siever and Mr. Taylor are going to make accusations about another candidate, they should at least get the facts straight. 

The candidate in question only has two children. She has been open and honest as to why one attended Culver City High School and why one does not. 

I am sure she would be willing to discuss why her daughter does not and why her son did attend CCHS. 

While you are at, why not discuss why the Silbigers sent their son Karlo to Hamilton High and not CCHS? 

Please note on his website there is an education gap between Culver City Middle School and college.

Mr. Hamill, Chair of the Culver City Chamber of Commerce, may be contacted at