Three Households Tell Why They Are Supporting Silbiger

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Cheryl Clark

I write to support Karlo Silbiger for re-election to School Board in Tuesday’s election. Over the last four years, Mr. Silbiger has shown he will make thoughtful decisions, will responsibly spend taxpayer dollars and will work to protect funding for arts and music programs.

Mr. Silbiger was the School Board President when we were hiring our new superintendent, David LaRose, in 2012. As such, he was responsible for much of the communication between the Board and Mr. LaRose. I believe his leadership played a key role in the successful hiring of Mr. LaRose.

Our School District already has benefited from Mr. LaRose’s dedication to and advocacy for the whole child. I am grateful to Mr. Silbiger for bringing such a fantastic superintendent to Culver City.

I also appreciate that Mr. Silbiger has been such a strong supporter of the solar initiative. This program will bring $8.5 million in new funds to the School District, without any new taxpayer dollars. These funds can be used for any need, including hiring new teachers. This, to me, is a wise investment.

Finally, our son has benefited from the terrific programs available through the high school’s Academy for Visual and Performing Arts. This program provides wonderful opportunities for students to study basic and advanced techniques in visual arts, dance, music, film and theater. Mr. Silbiger consistently has supported arts and music programs in our elementary, middle and high schools. He was the only Board member to vote against cutting a District music teacher position in 2011. He has worked tirelessly since then to restore the position, which occurred this fall. I appreciate that Mr. Silbiger understands that arts and music are critical elements of a child’s education.

Please join me in voting to re-elect Mr. Silbiger to the School Board.

Ms. Clark may be contracted at


Consider Silbiger’s Numerous Accomplishments

By Jim B. Clarke

Serving on the City Council, I understand that the economic vitality of our city and the quality of life for our residents are as dependent on our schools as they are on city services. The two are linked. That is one of the main reasons I am supporting the re-election of Karlo Silbiger to the Culver City Unified School District Board.

Mr. Silbiger has been one of the two CCUSD Board representatives to the City Council/School Board Liaison Committee whose goal is to find ways for the city and School District to work together.

The committee has been relatively dormant in the past, but Mr. Silbiger has brought new vitality to its work, including updating the joint use agreement between the city and the School District. He also has explored ways to promote greater cooperation on sustainability and capital projects. Besides enhancing the quality of life, this cooperation saves taxpayer funds.

Mr. Silbiger has been a leader in preserving our music education and arts programs, making them  an integral part of the curriculum, which adds to Culver City’s cache as a cultural center.

Mr. Silbiger was a leader in the development of the solar energy project in the school parking lot, which helps brand Culver City as a green community.

I am pleased to lend my name as a supporter of Mr. Silbiger and urge your consideration for his re-election on Tuesday.

Mr. Clarke, a member of the City Council, may be contacted at


Sibiger Is an Ally on Relieving Dense Neighborhood Traffic

By John L. Heyl

I encourage all residents of Culver City to participate in Tuesday's School Board elections.
My children have graduated from the CCUSD system and gone on to college.  My concerns now are focused on what kind of neighbor CCUSD will be to the residential neighborhoods surrounding most campuses. 

Which of the candidates will provide the best stewardship for this vital part of Culver City, not only in educational policy but in helping to mitigate the impact of having thousands of CCUSD students and employees in residential neighborhoods not suited for high volume traffic? 

Which of the seven candidates will be best suited to address the concerns about correcting years of deferred maintenance as well as the traffic and safety concerns of local residents?
By my reckoning from the School Accountability Report Cards, the schools in the CCUSD Elenda Street Complex, my neighborhood, have something like the following student populations: 

• Farragut Elementary School – 551 (27 teachers).

• Culver City Middle School – 1,527 (62 teachers).

• Culver City High School – 2,268 (93 teachers).

• Culver Park High School – 65 (5 teachers).

• Center for Early Education – 119 (12 teachers).

These numbers generate a staggering amount of residential neighborhood traffic.
I have found that no matter how unorthodox Robert Zirgulis may seem, he has helped put the spotlight on the long suffering Natatorium and on traffic safety issues around Culver City schools.  Similarly, I have found an ally in Karlo Silbiger when addressing traffic safety in my neighborhood.
Mr. Heyl, a Culver City resident since 1973, may be contacted at