They Are Quarreling Again Over Redflex

Letters to the EditorLetters

[Editor’s Note: Former City Councilman Alan Corlin and former City Council candidate Robert Zirgulis continue their jousting over Redflex Traffic Systems, Inc., the provider of Culver City’s red light cameras.]

Re “Take Closer Look at Awarding of Contract to Redflex”

By Alan Corlis

Mr. Zirgulis, you said in this morning’s posting that “I did my own empirical study on this matter. “

Once again I ask, show us your data.

This is the second time I have asked you to let us all know where your facts are.

Mr. Corlin may be contacted at

With a Little Help from His Friend

By Robert Zirgulis

I received this email today.

“Please continue to Mr. Z-in on the red light camera money issue.  Maybe the FBI is looking into California? 

You need to turn the tables on former Mayor Alan Corlin.

Find out why he never asked the Police Dept. to provide the City Council with full public accountings for the millions of dollars of red light money during the eight years (2000 to 2008) that he was on Council.  The program that began in 1998 was on his watch.  Simple math:  average $1.25 million x 8 years = $10 million.

Just maybe, if the CCPD had provided transparency on these taxpayer funds a long time ago, Mr. Corlin would not have beat up on you for simply asking the questions that Mr. Corlin had eight full years to ask.”

My take: Perhaps someone should ask Mr. Corlin if he had any dealings with Aaron Rosenberg, the fired Redflex Executive Vice President, who is cooperating with the authorities in the bribery scandal.

Let me make it clear that I am not accusing Mr. Corlin of any improprieties. He seems like a nice guy. He actually was in favor of fixing the Culver City School Natatorium at one time. However, it might be good for him to clear the air and let the public know what exactly the relationship was with Redflex when he was a Council member.

Mr. Zirgulis may be contacted at