The Coming Smoking Ban Will Be More Than a Failure

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Laura Stuart

First of two parts

Re “Smoking Ban in Apartments Appears on Its Way”

This whole “ban smoking in multi-family housing” is ridiculous. 

First, it is not up to the city to regulate personal habits that are legal.  If a property owner says that “I am going to allow smoking in my building” – disclosure, in writing, to new tenants is all there needs to be for them to make an informed decision.  

For condominium homeowners, they already have a governing body called the HOA, to determine when and where someone can smoke in the condos and complex. 

When you are purchasing a condo, you are given the CC&RS to read prior to purchasing.  They would have these rules.

Nor is it up to the City Council to make a legal habit illegal.   As we all know, the war on drugs is a failure. This venture not only will be a failure but can become a lawsuit regarding constitutional rights and discrimination.
As a former smoker, I know that quitting smoking is difficult and stressful.   Some people simply cannot and do not want to quit smoking. That is their right.  Smoking itself is not illegal.  It is unhealthy but not illegal.
It is the right of property owners to determine if they want their properties, whether single-family residences or multi-family residences, to be smoking or non-smoking facilities. It is up to them to enforce the same through Leases and Tenant Rules.

(To be continued)