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Letters to the EditorLetters

[img]2551|left|Mark Scott||no_popup[/img]Re “Happiness Arrives as Uninvited but Joyfully Welcome Guest

[Editor’s Note: Mr. Scott, City Manager of Culver City in 2008-2009, presently is the City Manager of Burbank.] Dear Ari Noonan:

As I often do when I read your personal thoughts, I found the story of your First Night Seder experience very poignant and enlightening.

I wish I had words that let me say properly how much I have appreciated your caring sentiments about my family.

I am feeling those same hard-to-describe warm feelings for you and your family today.

I wish you many more happy moments, but I am so pleased to know that you have this one under your belt to sustain you.

Thank you for sharing it with people like me.

Mr. Scott may be contacted at