Teachers’ Endorsements Are an Unfunny Joke on Culver City

Letters to the EditorLetters

By M. Lopez

Re “Teachers Will Back Silbiger, Vizcarra and Taylor in Board Race”

I just read the Teachers Union’s  endorsement of candidates for the School Board race. 

Sorry, but the teachers in Culver City deserve better representation. Debbie Hamme (president of the Assn. of Classified Employees) and David Mielke (Teachers Union president) are personal friends and allies of the 20-plus years’ Silbiger Fiefdom. 

If anyone thinks that the endorsements of young Karlo Silbiger and the hand-picked Claudia Vizcarra were not a crass manipulation by all involved, then they should think twice.

This “endorsement” was a carefully crafted unfunny joke on Culver City.

People call Culver City “Mayberry.”

That title is just as fake as the facades of the movie sets at Sony. 

I am writing this because someone had to say it.

You may sign me a liberal, a union member, no candidate affiliation, no party affiliation, not beholden to anyone.

M. Lopez may be contacted at mlopez@hushmail.com