President Obama’s Strategies for America

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Jon Thornton

1. ObamaCare: Control healthcare and you control the people. Socialism. FYI: The website has huge security breaches due to improper firewall development.

2. Poverty: Increase the poverty levels as high as possible and create the dependency on the government for all needs of the citizen.

3. Debt: Increase the debt to unsustainable levels, then increase taxation. This destroys the economy and creates dependency on government. Socialism.

4. Gun Control: Remove people’s ability to defend themselves from government takeover or criminals.  Why? Removing all guns and weapons from citizens makes it easier to take their property or violate their Constitutional rights.   Example: A.B. 109 in the state Legislature calls for releasing prisoners early in California due to overcrowding.

5. Welfare: Take control of every aspect of the welfare recipient’s needs (food, housing, income), and you will have a dependent, non-productive Democratic voter for life. 

6. Education: Teach children earlier about liberalism. Misrepresent conservative values as mean-spirited and racist.

7. Religion: Remove all beliefs in God from government and schools. Replace the system with atheism.  Government is your God. Train the individual to rely on government to solve all problems.

8. Class warfare: Divide the people who are wealthy from the people who are poor. This makes it easier to tax the wealthy. 

Obama’s Failures

1) Benghazi: Sufi an bin Qumu, former Guantanamo Bay detainee who was released by the White House, killed four Americans in Benghazi. He never has been brought to justice. The White House denied the incident was Al Qaeda. Instead, they blamed it on an obscure, small-time independent film.

2) Fast and Furious = Incompetence: The government gave weapons to the Mexican drug cartel.  Many have died from Obama’s leadership.

3) NSA Spying: Government out of control and violating our Constitutional rights.

4) IRS Abuses: Attacking groups that don’t believe in socialism.  The white house targeted conservative groups with IRS audits.  Obamacare: Incompetent.  The website has a minimal firewall and the software development is minimal.

5) Freely Funding Terrorists Overseas. Al Qaeda in Syria is receiving weapons from the U.S. and using them in Iraq.   

6) Releasing Terrorists from Guantanamo Bay.

7) Obamacare: Deception. Keeping your doctor and your insurance plan was a lie.

8) Increasing Taxes. Socialism.

9) Redistribution of Wealth: Creating hate makes it easier to tax the rich.

10) A.B. 109: Prison Overcrowding: Releasing criminals into society and taking away gun rights.


Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for you.

Don’t believe in yourself and have the government take care of you from the cradle to the grave. Personal responsibility, and success needs to be discouraged to make socialism work properly.  Blame others. Rely on the government for all your needs.  You can’t do it on your own.  Welcome to the Democratic Party.

Mr. Thornton may be contacted at