Paul Conrad Sculpture Tribute At the Dinner Hour Tonight

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Jerry Rubin

Dear Friends and Admirers of Paul Conrad,

Paul Conrad, the three-time Pulitzer Prize- winning political cartoonist, was a creative and wonderful person.

Activists, artists and others who admired his talent, artistry and commitment to peace are cordially invited to a special public remembrance this evening on what would have been his 90th birthday.

What:  Paul Conrad 90th Birthday Public Remembrance
When:  Today from 6 o’clock until 7.
Where:  At his “Chain Reaction,” a 26-foot-tall mushroom cloud peace sculpture that he created and gifted to the City of Santa Monica in 1991.

The now-landmarked unique sculpture is in the Santa Monica Civic Center,1855 Main St., Santa Monica 90401.  (Many thanks again to all the dedicated folks who helped save the monumental sculpture.)

Guest Speaker: Robert Scheer, award-winning journalist and editor.

Event Highlight: The public is invited to share a 90-Cupcake Birthday Peace Symbol Display. The cupcakes are being provided courtesy of the creative West Hollywood bakery Cake and Art.

You can help network this special event by posting it on your Facebook page and sharing it with your friends.

Here is a link to an advance article about the event that appeared recently in the Santa Monica Daily Press:

And there is a lot of good information about Paul Conrad and Chain Reaction at

If you can't attend, maybe you can light a birthday peace candle in Paul Conrad's memory and do an extra something for the betterment of Planet Earth in Paul's honor.

Peace & Gratitude,
Jerry and Marissa Rubin

Mr. Rubin may be contacted at