Paspalis, Levin and Robins Are the Choices of Ex-Councilman Malsin

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Scott Malsin 

Put our kids first on Nov. 5 by re-electing Kathy Paspalis to the School Board while also voting for Dr. Steve Levin and Sue Robins.
Ms. Paspalis’s matchless work ethic and her training as an attorney are invaluable. Her oversight ensured that the District’s recent exciting capital improvement projects – new sports facilities and a solar initiative – were well-managed and cost-effective. She is forthright, asks the tough questions, and is an engaged listener. Our District needs leaders; Kathy is just that.
Dr. Steve Levin will bring a keen understanding of our parent community, a quality oddly lacking in most of the other candidates. A highly intelligent and generous-hearted man, he will be an effective advocate for the best interests of Culver City’s children and families. Dr. Levin is a team player by nature. He proves it day by day in his high-level work on complex NASA projects.
Sue Robins, a parent and a former science teacher at our Middle School, understands our District from the inside out. She now consults with corporations on employee training and professional development issues. Through her experience as an educator, in both the public and the private sector ,she will be able to sensitively and effectively foster “best practices” throughout our District.
Ms. Paspalis, Dr. Levin and Ms. Robins are right for Culver City. They are leaders, listeners, and community builders. Join me in electing them.
Mr. Malsin, a former City Councilman, may be contacted at