Parents See Through Scare Tactics of LAUSD, Says the UPCC President

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Jeannine Wisnosky Stehlin

Re “UPCC Is Anti-Union, Should Be Stopped, LAUSD Teachers Letter Claims”

[Editor’s Note: The writer is president of United Parents of Culver City.]

[img]1994|right|Jeannine Wisnosky Stehlin||no_popup[/img]I have heard from Culver City parents and teachers who are disgusted and offended by the United Teachers Los Angeles letter. They want no part of the LAUSD machine. They see through the scare tactics and the lies.

First of all, the UTLA letter implies that UPCC, United Parents of Culver City, is anti-union. Saying that enough times still does not make it true. It's outrageous.

UPCC is not anti-union.

I am the UPCC president, Scott Kecken is UPCC’s political acxtion committeee chair, and UPCC leader Dan O’Brien – just to name a few – are card-carrying union members.

That is a fact.

It's unbecoming of CCFT, the Culver City Federation of Teachers, and ACE, the Assn. of Classified Employees, to endorse and encourage such a letter.

I know that the Culver City teachers don't feel the same way as their leaders.

You only have to look at the large number of teachers who are supporting Kathy Paspalis, Sue Robins and Steve Levin to understand this.

The teachers see the PTA and booster club leaders as supporters and partners in the schools. Attacking UPCC is attacking the parent volunteers, the same parents who are UPCC.

Ms. Wisnosky Stehlin may be contacted at