Only Teachers Can Assess Other Teachers – Really?

Letters to the EditorLetters

By George Morton

Re “Present Is Fine, but Chardiet Open to New Ideas on Teacher Tenure”

The idea that only teachers can evaluate teachers is preposterous, I believe.

Imagine what life would be like if we took that metric and applied it to other professions.

Surely big banks would only like other big banks to oversee them.

The meat industry would prefer that only other meat packers peer into how they process beef.

Local restaurants want only restaurant owners to grade them.

The list of public and private enterprises that have outside inspections and gradings is long and diverse. Why should teachers be exempt from outside inspection?

The above mentioned industries have a plan in place wherein the businesses know in advance what will be required. Trained outside personnel are used to hold them to that standard.

Why can’t teachers have some sort of plan?

Everyone who reads this posting went to school or was, in some other way, taught how to read.

We all had teachers we thought were good and bad.

Imagine if we could only remember having good teachers. 

Why is it not possible to have an independent way to measure a teacher’s ability?

Mr. Morton resides in Culver City.