My Family Emergency – A Crucial Reason to Vote Yes on Y

Letters to the EditorLetters

I would like to offer a simple plea to my fellow Culver City residents. Please be sure to vote Yes on Measure Y on Nov. 6.

I could offer a long string of reasons why I think you should vote for the extra one half of a penny sales tax; however, instead, I will choose a single reason.

Once, many years ago, my father, Otto Bartal, had a stroke. I arrived at his home to find him in bad shape, lying on his kitchen floor. It was a scene that I hope none of you needs to ever experience. My automatic response was to phone for the paramedics. Within two minutes they were on the scene, 100 percent timely and 100 percent prepared.

Measure Y will assure that if you or your family, or my family, ever (G-d forbid!) need help from our paramedics, police or fire departments, they will be there to help us.

For this reason, and many others, I urge all of our Culver City citizens to vote Yes on Measure Y.

Ms. Sergant may be contacted at