Mielke Discusses Results From First Negotiating Session

Letters to the EditorLetters

[Editor’s Note: Mr. Mielke is President of the Teachers Union.]

Friends –

Your CCFT Bargaining Team met with the CCUSD management team (yesterday) morning for our first negotiating session for the 2012-2013 school year. 

The big news is that we signed off on the school calendar.  According to the survey data, teachers preferred a school calendar with our current structure at spring break and thanksgiving – but with a starting date of Aug. 26. 

Classified also wanted to maintain the current structure but preferred starting on Sept. 3.

A big “thanks” to Classified for agreeing to go with our preferences.  Each union has the legal right to bargain the working conditions for its members.  Please be sure to thank your Classified friends for their flexibility on this issue.

Each team went through its respective proposals, and both teams agreed that something needs to be done to move our salaries into a competitive position. We know that can't happen overnight, but we will be pushing CCUSD to agree to a five-year plan to move us to the median in Los Angeles County. It is clear that CCUSD sees this as a need as well.

Talks continued regarding a retirement incentive, but nothing concrete has been agreed upon yet.

Our team welcomed two new members: Tayo Balogun from the Middle School and Carmen Campos from El Marino. Casey Chabola from Lin Howe and I complete the team with CFT rep Kevin Cronin. When Natalile Gualtieri returns from her leave, she will join us as well.

Two things to underline at this point: 

  • First, the fact that we are developing a real labor/management partnership was clear in that the parties are determined to work together to find solutions. 
  • Second, for the first time that I can remember, CCUSD is agreeing with us that we need a long-range plan to address our substandard salaries. 

The teams meet again on Feb. 19. Don't hesitate to contact your site rep or any member of the team with your questions or concerns. 


Mr. Mielke may be contacted at davidmielke@ccusd.org