Levin, the Thoughtful Candidate, the Mayor Says

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Jeff Cooper

Dr. Steve Levin will be a solid addition to our School Board.

Much has been made about his skills and intelligence as a rocket scientist, parent volunteer, president of the Booster Club at Farragut Elementary and former president and a founding member of the UPCC, United Parents of Culver City.

For me, though, his common sense approach to problem-solving gained my support. Dr. Levin has an uncanny ability to actually listen, take a step back, explore an issue on all sides, discuss it with those who might support it, those against it and then formulate a solution. He will choose not what is best for him but what is best for our children.

Ultimately, that is what matters and why I encourage the community to vote for Dr. Levin a week from Tuesday.

Mr. Cooper, the mayor of Culver City, may be contacted at jeff.cooper@culvercity.org